"Your wife needs shower, no?!" This said to my husband on day two in hospital following ACDF C4-C7 discectomy. A nurses assistant, wearing rubber gloves had her hand down the back of my underwear,...
Wondering how you are doing? I hope and pray all went well. Will be waiting to hear how surgery went. (It is today?)...
Hard collars rock! I wore mine to bed last night and had immediate relief! I'm sure doc doesn't want me wearing it but a good nights sleep is amazing. Btw, I'm 51, no young chick here! I plan to call...
Good news to hear that eight months out it is a lot less severe. I have been watching YouTube post up videos of three level discectomy's. Everybody's pain level range varies, I watched that of a...
Hi guys, checking in. Latest challenge- sneezing! Don't do it, just don't holy shiitake!...
Taller Now- I don't smoke or drink. I have that lump, doc called it's The Love hump of the back....I think it's also called widows hump...I'm 51- and so far haven't driven myself because I won't...
Omg you guys. Thanks for the advice! Going to think fusion. Wearing collar now for first hour. I have been ever doing, as per my personality type I was pushing myself! Up to 3 -20 min walks a day....
Post Script- I had read here lots of advice on post ACDF surgery and one thing stands out and it is so darn true: BENDY STRAWS :-)...
Hello guys, it's been a while since I posted. Thought it would be helpful to others if I checked in and wrote about my experience pre-and post ACDF surgery. I had my surgery the first week of August...
Spot on Abeline. I've been so stressed out about the ablation occurring so close to the surgery. Simple solution, changing, postponing the appt for further dealings with low back. It's time to...
Oh man. Can I ask if your ulnar nerves were compromised before the surgery? Hope your swallowing gets better soon....
Whoa loose screws...thanks for the links....
Hi ChristinaI, your experience has me wondering how you are doing? We live in the same general area. Hope you are ok!...
Possible Jim61938, however last evening hubby and I walked the dogs together and afterwards (from the walk) I did have pain, I fix my gait to avoid specific pain. I thought the Klonopin relaxed more...
Agree Abilene, I think docs have numbers they give out in best case scenarios. I only say this after reading several threads about experiences with this type of fusion. The more I educate myself...
could it be anticipatory anxiety? I distract myself with books, a TV show to binge, a walk outside. (Not sure about your pain levels or abilities) I found that when not in pain,getting out and seeing...
I have an extension post to make, a question really. I take meds for PTSD, panic and depression with OCD (oh boy, I know) so, today I took Klonopin and it relaxed my horrible back and leg pain. I...
2 small dogs. Rescue siblings, male and female. Someone showed me how to use their leash from the front (they have long skinny necks so I use a harness instead of a neck collar) this helps with...
Ahhhh what you typed makes sense. Doh. I'm learning, thanks. After the area is cleaned of any bone spurs, (and doc said he's removing my whole discs, that's standard right?), he will add bone to...
Sounds very frustrating. Finding a good PT is hard. Having insurance pull the rug out- wow, what a bummer. To think about how much PT is preventing further pain and damage and have insurance not care...
Ah, I recall my first urine test. The assistant was funny and called it their golden copay. They said they see samples come back with all kinds of stuff. I'm assuming she meant illegal drug use, not...
Watched very local parade of kids, it was so sweet. Enjoyed ice cream with neighbors after the parade. A good time to be social and enjoy the amazing weather. Walking dogs as always, though much...
Getting calmer, Abilene, thanks for checking :) Ah 6 months, this makes sense considering what is done to the nerve. Had MRI for both cervical and lumbar areas. Cervical showed stenosis with slipped...
Wow, thanks! Googling the hospital tray. I do have an iPad. Agree, the bottom of the zero gravity recliners are so unattractive. As are the chairs, but I'll consider it a luxury to have. My...
Soon. I wasn't aware of a pre-test thing. The issue is along with Facet there is also something going on that causes pain down the whole leg, the calf, the shin. I wasn't given anything from doc...
Wonderful! There is hope! I would chew on bark if it would help. Glad at least 1 of your areas had relief. Will you try again in lumbar? Or is it a one shot deal?...
Cervical disc removal, full discs of 5,6,7 with cadaver bone replacement for bone grafts,not new here where I live. Not sure, I think our wires have crossed. I have stenosis and other issues in...
It's good to find the silver linings :) My surgery will be Anterior, c5,6,7 Doc says in two weeks will be driving and can walk dogs then. Yet, he also says the graft takes months...I guess it's the...
I'm counting the days til I can go in for one for L4 facet joints. Hoping someone has experienced this type of treatment. If so, how was the outcome? The pain the pain the pain. You know the pain...
Thank you all so much for your sage advice and sharing your stories! I had to chuckle aloud when I read the words -charm school :) it's good to laugh. My husband goes with me to the pain management...
Hi TallerNow, I hope you continue to heal, it sounds so rough. I will be having what sounds like similar surgery soon. My c5-7 discs will be removed and replaced with cadaver, bone graft, and...
Jodi, I almost bought one a few months back. Sorry for your pain, sounds awful. I started using a foam lumbar roll under my sacral area, then would have feet straight up for half our at a time. My PA...
Merrida, thanks for the suggestion. Probably a better idea than what I'm doing on the floor with the stretches. I am nowhere near needing surgery for my lumbar area. Still trying to treat this with...
Has anyone experienced this? I tend to be active, and when I go to rest my pain feels off the chart lately. I am using a heat pad. I discovered 2 very good stretches. The relief from the stretches is...
Just reaching out to say hang in there ! Big life hurdle. I read some threads (advice from moderator) and this really helped- me seeking others experiences. Hope you get good feedback. CP is no...
Thank you so much for your words of encouragement and advice to read threads. I've read two and have new perspective about how we all perceive and feel pain so differently. I'm also learning jargon...
Hi, I am having surgery in August to replace C5,C6,C7 discs. The doc will use cadaver bone for the graft. Hardware will be installed. If my insurance covers it, I will have some kind of bone...
One more thing I try to do: Stay active. For me this is nowhere near my activity level a year ago. I used to be a metalsmith. I try to list out things to be done. Spend no more than 15 minutes a...
When my college age niece visits, or nephew, (they are great kids!) I have my husband put all meds in our safe. I can't risk their young curiosity. Even the sweetest kids feel pressure from their...
I'm new too. Nice to meet you. Can I ask what pain meds help you? And what other methods have helped?...
Post Preview Hi, as the topic says I'm new here. I've perused the low back pain forum, I'm hoping this is where I'm posting now...thanks for any response :) I have moderate to horrible pain in low...