I think we all have people like that in our lives and the way I like to deal with them is to explain in away they might understand. I give them an example like-Think about what you do and how you...
You also have to remember that due to the medical field being so vast-that no one nurse or doctor for that matter will know everything-especially when they are specialized in one field of practice....
H/A can be a funny thing -good that you are seeing a Neurologist and having all the test ran to rule out issues that can be seen on scan. If he doesn't find anything you might want to look into...
IMO and that doesn't mean much-especially since I can't write you an RX-But, with just the DDD alone by evidence of history, x-ray, MRI...etc.....A person like yourself regardless of age-would...
Sorry you are having so much trouble-it bites, sadly a lot of issues are not due to you, but more due to past history of pain management in general-especially re: narcotics. A lot of times the doctor...