From experience, I can tell you, you want Fibromyalgia to be the last thing that is suggested, and not the first. It can feel like the "garbage can" diagnosis, and it's symptoms can cross over with...
Many of the people I know who take topamax for migraine also take that much a day. 50mg is only a starting dose for migraine :) It is actually an anti seizure medicine, much like gaba pentin, and has...
Amazon? I live for Amazon!...
Also, why are you so certain you don't have carpal tunnel? Look into cubital tunnel syndrome and also into intersection syndrome and see if any of those fit. You don't have to have the pain in your...
As Vicki mentioned, definitely rule out lyme disease. It can take years to show up. MS can take a decade of documentation and repeat MRI's to check for changes in the brain to diagnose in some...
I haven't personally had it, but saw it in some of my clients I treated with tenosynovitis of the elbow area. To me, it almost felt like bubble wrap was imbedded under the skin, usually from the...
My husband was on it for about 10 years. He lasted that long before it didn't do enough anymore and he switched to cymbalta. Lexapro is a great med to start out on, and you have plenty of room to...
Amazing info, thanks for sharing and hope it continues to work!!!...
Hi Susie, Thanks for that, sorry so long to reply, my account accidently got frozen and I had to wait for site owner to let me back in. (It happens! :cool: ) Anyway, I did have the EMG done this...
Well, I saw the NP from back and spine today. The primary doc did get an "ammendment" added to the MRI report stating that it was supposed to say "No" in front of "High Grade Narrowing" which makes...
Hi Rick, Thanks for response...curious, was the nucynta that made you sleep that much the extended release or the 8 hour that you can take "as needed"? I've been prescribed the 8 hour "non extended...
Thanks for those tips. It would be nice if they told newbies things like that! Also, I never expected total pain relief. I haven't gotten 50% yet. Unfortunately I had a PCP that believed that she...
I have battled recurrent plantar fasciitis and arch pain from tendonitis for years. The three things that have helped me the most are 1) lace up shoes so she can control the "tension" and support 2)...
ROFL, well, I was a licensed massage therapist for 13 years...I guess they taught us to burn the nerves in school then....LOL!...
Hi, I'm new here, so thanks for reading. Currently working on getting appropriate treatment for cervical spinal stenosis/spondylosis or "degenerative disc disease" as it was described to me. Will be...