Hi Rick! I was reading the paperwork I received, and it says if you know someone who is abusing their medicine, to let them know. I'm not sure if I should say anything. My good friend is also friends...
Hi everyone! I went and saw my first pain management Dr. He was kind of an ass. The other Dr promised he would take over my case. Hopefully, that's true. The Dr I saw wants me to see a rheumatology...
Hi! Sorry I didn't update everyone yesterday. I'm actually really sick. My pcp is covering my pain meds until I see the pain management Dr. He was very nice, compassionate, and understanding. He gave...
Hi everyone! I'm new to pain management. I start next month. I was wondering how it works? A friend of mine said they drug test you or count your pills? I would just like to have a lil knowledge...
Thank you both for the advice. I called this morning, before they get there and addressed the message to my Dr and apologized for the mix up and told him I have an appointment with the pain...
Hi everyone! I'm new here and needed some advice. I see my first pain management Dr next month. My pcp has been my Dr for 17 years and has been prescribing my pain meds (Norco 10/325) for 9 years. I...