Hi there Just hoping some of you may be able to offer some advice about what you think about surgery.... I was diagnosed with small bowel chrons...stricture in the Terminal Illeum in Dec 2005... I...
Hi there I had remicade 2 yrs ago....we call it infliximab and it stopped me from having to have surgery...at the time...also helped my sister.... only had to wait 2/3 weeks and first infusion iwas...
hi ther... i assume it means the same in UK....its total parental nutrition...basically they feed you. I had this 2 1/2 yrs ago through central line over a period of 48/72 hours, i cant quite...
ah ok....thanks...would rather not be on any steroids, have managed to be steroid free for 18 months now /community/emoticons/smile.gif ...
thanks, i dont know if i just havent been on that type of med or if it isnt used in UK?! only been on predisone...
hi, sorry for my ignorance what is entocort??...
Hi there, i can relate to your frustration.....i have people say - "People would give their eye teeth to be like you" meaning i am nice and slim - no inclination of the suffering!!! and the fact that...
Hi , i am new to all of this and from the UK, but i can very much relate to your situation. I too struggle with my diet and dread being weighed by my consultant, i am currently around 170 meters tall...