My grandson and I went and had lunch with my husband today.Braden will be 3 in 23 weeks.I had finsh eating and he was playing with grandpa and looked at me and said"you go potty now"I just looked at...
I work 3 12 shifts a week and it varies and I do well on it.My chrons have been well manage for quite a while now/I did pull an extra day last .I have to work a night about every 7-8 weeks and that...
I have and didn't have any problems...
My husband of 3 yrs knew I had chrons.My illness has been mild the past several yrs, I've been able to work,help take care of grandkids but with some adjustment.I've seen the other side also,watching...
I know its getting when i can think about what I need to do and either don't do it are i do the oppisite....
I've only found this site last week but I thought I wouls share a story about my mom.My mom died about 3 and 1/2 years ago but she saw me threw some of my worst episodes.She didnot always understand...
I went out walking in the woods with my husband(we wasn't married,he is very understanding)of course we was along way from the cabin.he found a place for me.he still loves me...
I've done that a couple of times.Are you going to bathroom?its good advice to do clear liquids.If you get to feeling worse you might want to call your doc....
for the past few months I will get pain that goes up my back to right between my shoulder is short lived but leaves me feeling sick.I've started having more shoulder and neck pain....
put me on the order list...
riss,there is nothing wrong with getting a second opinion.some docs know there stuff but the bedside manners sucks.When iwas dx.with chronns(during a hysterectomy)another gidoc was on call and i...
when i had trouble with canker sores i used L-Lysine.itook 2 tablets 3 times a day it helped a lot...
another thing,the more surgeries you have the more scar tissue they have to cut.My surgeon hates to get a consult unless it just avery minor thing....
I've haven't tried to have a scope without drugs,I'll stick to my drugs.ialso have a great GI.He can joke around but he can also be a strong advocater. My job was giving me a hard time,he wrote them...
i had 3 obstuctions over a year time in 1987,was on predisone over this period of.Finally had surg.i've never been on remicade...
you might be a chronnie if your doc tells you to write your on orders and he'll just sign them. also you might be a chronnie if you use bathrooms that your friends would noy go near.i'm am really...
sniper you made me feel better,ithought i had major gas problem.i hate the walking grandson says he fluffs....
nanners is right about the cramping with my first blockage i could time mine every 15 minutes.i did this for about12 hrs before i started vomiting.ialso got real bad mouth oder....
i found this site yesterday.i'm impressed with all the imformation.iwas dx with cd in1987.the imformation i'm reading is giving me food for thought. /community/emoticons/smile.gif ...
you still may be having some blockage.i would get a fecal odar to my breath when ihad blockages...