When researching enzymes I came across this article which helped me http://www.digestive-enzymes.com/comparisons.htm . It has a link inside it ("chart #1") which gives a constituent breakdown and...
Just wondering if anyone has explored the use of digestive enzymes in their treatment plan. My son was diagnosed with CD 2 years ago and had all the classic symptoms of diarrea, passing lots of...
Check out the article in todays Ottawa Citizen (Canada) re person who had a stem cell transplant for CD...
I remember reading a few times about people having some success in relieving symptoms by using olive oil and was wondering if anyone had experiences to share. I reason I ask is I have an 18 yr old...
Question about my son's CD condition for those with experience. My son was Dx with CD Sept07 where he had bleeding and diarreha 4-5x/day. Went on pred 50 mg tapering for 3 months. Diarreha...
Zanne, thanks for the input. I noticed in your signoff that you had 3 resections, all 2 years apart and then nothing for the past 11 years (resection-wise/surgery, that is). Can you tell me if you...
Thanks EMom (and everyone else). The bleeding had stopped when we put him on the SCD + fishoil/L-Glutamine/Digestive enzyemes but it recently started up again (not severe but there nonetheless) which...
HI guys and thanks for the replies. Unfortunately it is not that easy to transfer the credits over (Theses are a couple of universities in Canada). The one university I talked to mentioned they...
Hi Everyone, I an unfortunately a new member to this site for posting but I have been reading people's stories here for the last number of months. I am looking for some advice/experience from anyone...