Hey! I have the same thing and there is nothing you can do except get your flare under control and even then it can take a while - mine open up and leave awful scars. It always happens on my legs and...
I would love to know what your Dr's say - for years I have gotten sores down around my vagina and have never said anything - put to call them painful is an understatement!!! I had the open ulcers in...
I also found out the hard way, but make sure all your Dr's know that Ibuprofen is a no-no. I know that sounds silly but I have been having nasty headaches due to a jaw injury and I was seeing my...
I had been on Remicade for 3 yrs when I found out I was pregnant - I had a treatment and the next week I found out I was pregnant - Dr stopped the Remicade but at 20 weeks I flared real bad - risked...
Hey! I had been on Remicade for over 3 yrs when my Dr wanted me to try Humaria - I tried it for over 8 weeks and it did not work - my Crohn's flared something awful! I was put back on Remicade and...
During my 1st pregnancy my CD went into remission BUT with pregnancy #2 I flared BAD!!! my Dr told me that I was flaring so bad that it could cause preterm labor so I went back on Remicade (I stopped...