Hi I am not sure what your diagnosis is for certain. Good news is MTX treats SLE and psoriasis. Have you had markers/lupus labs done? Do you know the results? I wouls start by asking your Rheum. Be...
Hi I don't have Crohn's but I do have malabsoprtion issues. I take 50.000 iu 3 times per week of Vit D3. I get mine from Vitalady online and have never had any upset from taking it. Make sure you...
Prednisone causes me to retain alot of fluid. I take a diuretic and have for years, to help with generalized edema. I have never had hypertension or proteinuria....
Google Palmar Psoriasis. What you are describing sounds like Psoriasis. A dermatologist would have to say for sure. Good Luck....
Have you ever had Psoriasis?...
I forgot to say that with a elevated FANA, you are correct to proceed with a Rheum.....
Hi Deb There are auto-immune diseases that many different doctors treat. Such As: Psoriasis-Dermatologist, Chrons'-GI doc, Diabetes and Hashimoto's Thyroid-Endocrinologist. This is just a few. A...
Hi Barb I just wanted to say that I was exhausted a day or so after my first couple of Remicade infusions, too. I also had bad nausea with my second Remicade only. I hope you can tolerate it better...
That is great news. This illness is bad enough!! I am already self concious about the weight gain. The moonface has GOT to go! I will be on 7.5mg next week. Hopefully my body won't go haywire again....
Thanks Barbara. I hope the Remicade works well for you. Did Humira aggravate your Luous at all?...
Thank you both for responding. I am on 10mg now. I have always retained water badly so it is worse with this. I was on Remicade for 8 months for Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis. It cleared my skin...
Good Morning Everyone! I have been on Prednisone since March for Remicade induced Lupus. I have gained weight and am very swollen/bloated. I am weaning off of it slowly now. Will some of this go away...
weird thing is my nomal temp is 97 and am hot as heck....ugh....
Hello everyone I am kinda new to Lupus. I developed Lupus after being on Remicade for Psoriatic Arthritis. I am already used to symptoms like pain and fatigue but lately I am constantly HOT. Whenever...
You have prednisone in your signature. Are you still taking it? It can cause acne. Maybe it will help when you taper off. I am on methotrexate too and did not have the increase in breakouts until...
Hi I take 50,000iu of D3 daily. I was taking it weekly and my levels dropped to 18. I have been on this dose for a month. I am having it rechecked in a week. I also have psoriasis and malabsoption...
You should check out the National Psoriasis Foundation site and forums. You will find alot of info there. There are many members that have AS with PsA and Psoriasis combined. Read as much as possible...
I have P and PsA. 90% of ppl with nail involvement with psoriasis also have Psoriatic Arthritis. A good Rheumatologist should be able to help you....
I just realized that some one may not know that SOB =shortness of breath. I am a nurse and I forget sometimes about abbreviations. That one looked funny to me..LOL...
I agree that a dose pack of steroids would probably help alot with the pain and the shortness of breath ( it worked for both on me). I would not leave town SOB. Take the vicodin with food and see if...
Vit D is also associated with several other auto-immune disorders and cancers. Mine was very low at 18 and I have to take Vit D3 50,000 units 3 times per week. I am hoping for pain relief too when it...
Another diagnosis of Remicade induced lupus here. BUMP...
Welcome to the board Angel. I am new here too. I am so glad I found this "place". It is truly a blessing....
Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome. My meds for Lupus are Prednisone 10mg and Plaquenil 400mg. Last dose of Remicade was 3/31/09. I am also on MTX 15mg for last 8 months. Barbara , please do...
Good Evening I am Jill. 40 yr old wife, mom, registered nurse. I was "oficially" Dx with Lupus on Monday. I have been lurking here for a few months because I pretty much diagnosed myself...hehe. I...
Hi I am new to these boards but just wanted to give my opinion on the "no fish diet" Fish can cause uric acid levels to rise in the blood. The kidneys are responsible for filtering uric acid. The Dr...
Hi I have been taking MTX for 8 months. You can divide the doses in two doses 8-12 hours apart. I don't have any problems with it. Maybe a lil bit of nausea but nothing bad. Good Luck Jill...
Hi Ides I am bumping this post up to see if I can get some more recent episodes DIL by Remicade. I have been on Remicade for 8 months for Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis. In February I began...
I drove home. No biggie. Good Luck ...
The exhaustion is extreme. I feel like I have the flu EVERYDAY. I am upset with my Dr because I went to see him on 3/25 crying because I was in so much pain and had exhaustion and shortness of...
Hi I just wanted to chime in and say that I am on Remicade for Psoriatic Arthritis. It cleared my skin very well. It has not done anything to improve my joints. I have awful fatigue and also went...