Is anyone else having problems with folate and what I should do for it...
No, I wasn't put on any meds after as my appointment with my GI was coming up in May. How soon after your second flare did you have to have surgery again? The hospital put me on Prednisone and I will...
So, here's my story. I was diagnosed with Crohn's 1 year ago. /community/emoticons/mad.gif Two months ago I had a small bowel resection and figured great, atleast I'll have some relief for a while...
Has anyone experienced a sharp stabbing pain in the lower abdomin during sex. I have had this problem for a long time and I'm wondering if it has anything do do with crohns as I had an internal...
Thank you everyone for your help. I am hoping to avoid another surgery and I think I'll take your advice spookyhurst and get that book....
I had a ileocolectomy last month and have heard that many people have to have the surgery again years later. Are there certain foods that contribute to this and if so what are they. I hear that some...
Hi, I had my ileocolectomy on January 9th and my last period was in December. I haven't gotten it since then. Has anyone else experienced this after their operation. Is this something I should be...
Has anyone experienced lower abdominal pain and cramping after an ileum resection. Just wondering if this is normal. Thanks for your input....
Thank you everyone for getting back to me so quickly. I love this forum and hope all of you are doing as well as I am after my surgery. Have a great day!!...
I had an ileum resection a month ago and was wondering if there are any foods I should not eat to avoid a recurrence. Thanks for the help...