I recently had Mildly Invasive Spine Surgery ( Bone Spur removed) and had stopped my HUMIRA treatment 2 weeks prior to that. When should or when can I restart my HUMIRA treatement it hasn't been...
For some reason or other injection in my Legs hurt worst must be all the excess skin on my stomach?? I self inject B complex every 6 weeks and take a Multi Vitamin called FORVIA ( it is more water...
I have been using HUMIRA for the past 2 years before it was Remicade for Crohn's. I alternate between 4 sites upper thighs and stomach stomach seems to hurt less. Also put ice pack on thighs before...
I recently had a Colonoscopy and as result it was found the area where I had my resection is somewhat inflamed I had my surgery over 5 years ago so this was a possibilty. I have been taking HUMIRA...