I have ulcerative colitis (although some have called it crohn's) and I often have what you described. They always tell me that it is "normal" and not to worry unless there is a cupfull of blood. dumb...
ensure is my best friend. I have found that it is not WHAT you eat; it is THAT you EAT. The inflammation/infection is inside and food irritates it. it doesnt always matter what... eating is over rated...
/community/emoticons/confused.gif #1 NO!I have had it for 51 years and believe me, it does NOT get better with age. In fact it gets a little more difficult because you can't run as fast to the...
/community/emoticons/rolleyes.gif after having had UC/C for years I can tell you that it isn't WHAT you eat...it is THAT you eat. the actual act of the food passing through the digestive system is...