I'm a university student and have timed my infusions thus far so that I can go to one class, but have to miss the other class and work ... sometimes I feel bad for missing because of it but look at...
randynoguts - yep, real live Kentucky girl, born and raised :)...
Thank you all so much for your replies - I can already see I've come to the right place! I am finding out quickly by reading here that every case is unique and the disease can change rapidly - just...
I've been on Remicade since October and just had my fourth dose last week. :) So far I like it pretty well. I started Remicade a week after my Crohn's diagnosis and I haven't had a flare yet, and I...
Thanks Nanners :)...
Thanks so much for your replies, everyone :) Nanners, thanks for all your advice! I am slowly figuring out my diet, there are a few things I'm just going to stay away from altogether - seeds and nuts...
Hi everyone :) I'm new to this forum and to the world of Crohn's - I was diagnosed in October '09 and was thrown in headfirst, so to speak, since I first heard my diagnosis as I was waking up after...
This is something I'm kind of having to figure out along the way too. I'm in my senior year of college and had to leave school at midterm last semester, when I was diagnosed. I had no clue I had...
My resection was four months ago - I didn't even know I had Crohn's beforehand and I think it was better that way because I couldn't get nervous! Worst part, hands-down, was the NG tube. I had it for...
I definitely understand what you're saying - my Crohn's diagnosis came after a month of severe abdominal pain and years of constant stomachaches and diarrhea. During the weeks right before my...
Wow, I hate that you're having this problem! My diagnosis was only four months ago, and in that time my friends have been so helpful and understanding. My closest friends are interested and want to...