Hi everybody, Not posted in a while but just wanted some guidance - I have been scheduled for a small bowel follow through where I will be drinking the barium. I was just wondering how sensitive this...
Autoimmunity is where the immune system recognises a self antigen and starts attacking its own cells and organs. There are many diseases which are autoimmune in origin such as Type 1 diabetes,...
I have been on Clarithromycin, Rifabutin and Clofazimine for about 8 months now and am really healthy. Everyone is entitled to their opinion about the effectiveness of Anti-MAP but there is plenty of...
$rules, I take it you are in the UK? I think i need to speak to you in more detail! I am going to visit JHT in Summer and I TOTALLY believe in his work. I have been in contact with Tim Page aswell....
Even if he does hold a patent, if the vaccine is useless then all the research and work put into it will have been a waste of time and everyone will ridicule his work. I can't see that happening to...
I have been in contact with Professor Hermon-Taylor and am going to visit him come the summer months. I think it is important that more Crohn's patients read about his work and watch the videos. I am...
Email my friend David, he lives in Canada and is on Anti-MAP therapy and is doing well. He is an excellent resource. Failing that, type into google scholar the studies done by Borody and...
Yeah, always best to go with the doctor I suppose. You could always take some papers to him/her to read them. There is a good one written by Prof Thomas Borody, i think it's called - 'Antibiotic...
Methotrexate is a good option to go for, avoid Tysabri if possible (very rare but possible infection of the brain) but I would ask for a clinical trial for Traficet-EN or Anti MAP treatment....
The last I heard back in winter 09 they were still trying to raise funds, which has been difficult during these times. I have been on anti MAP for about 4 months now and so far it is working!...
I agree aswell, so many Crohn's patients have had their lives turned around for the better with anti MAP treatment. The papers are out there, we just need to make our doctors read them !...
Professor John Hermon-Taylor is by far the expert in the world on MAP and its detection. He is currently trying to raise private funds to develop a DNA-Crohn's vaccine which bolsters the immune...
Thanks crazyharry, will look into the diet info. Will keep everyone updated on how meds/diet helps....
The pentasa is currently working pretty well so when I next see my GE (about 4 months) I will tell him that. He just mentioned the trial to me and said that some patients had been responding very...
We don't need to look at JUST big pharma for a cure. You will find that Prof Hermon-Taylor is doing all his own research which is funded by the families of people with Crohn's. At present they are...
I am fairly sure Crohn's will be gone in the next 10 - 15 years. Progress has been made in this disease - it was once thought of as an autoimmune disease and now researchers think an infective agent...
Hi everyone, I am new to the forum but have been reading it for a while since I have been unwell. I finally got a diagnosis of mild crohn's disease in the ileum. My GE gave me prednisolone and then...