Hi, I don't know why it is but I had the same problem. I didn't even know about it until a friend told me...said it was ammonia or iodine or something that smelt like chemicals. It's very distinct...
I'm with What A Life! I love to have a drink and am particularly fond of wine...I cut right down (or don't at all) when I'm ill but if I'm well I'm partial to a few. I drink less now anyway, with the...
Hi, thanks for the great welcome everyone. I found some Youtube clips on the Humira injections and have been doing a bit of research so thanks for the advance info!...
What A Life - funny and so true...all you want is a quick sandwich, sleep and no one to hear the noises!...
I didn't find it scary - especially not compared to the steroids. I'm on 125mg (maximum for my weight) and have been for 18 months now. At first they were making me throw up a lot but I figured out...
Hi, I've just joined after finding the site while searching the internet for information / advice on Humira - my doctor wants me to go on it for the next flare up (after I convinced him this time I'd...
I went to a doctor (my GP at the time) once and he asked me if I'd drink lots of coffee and fizzy drinks as a kid because "that would be why I have it" - he basically blamed my diet even though I'd...
Hi, I've had quite a few...they will be able to get all the way around, particularly if you have taken the prep properly - I completey agree that the Fleet is terrible, I had to down a ton of water...