Thank you! Last time I went to the doctor he just looked at the rash, said he didn't know what exactly was causing it and gave me some cream. The cream does work to an extent but if I forget to put...
Hello all, Recently I've started to develop rashes on my fingers whenever I get stressed or feel anxious. My doctor is not sure if the rash is caused by my crohns or not. Whenever I got stressed I...
Good luck with your root canal! I had one done recently and it was horrible. But my root canal was for one of the front teeth, it might not hurt as bad if it's one of the back ones. Good luck!...
This is really strange from my usual Crohn's symptoms, but for a while now I have been having a few episodes where I am constipated for a few days and sometimes a week with bad gas pain. I've tried...
I'm not sure...I will probably ask my doctor next time I see him. Though, I don't think he'd know what makes my stomach make those noises.....
Well I'm not sure if this has anything to do with my crohn's, but ever since the disease came into my life I've been having alot of loud stomach growling throughout the day. I'd be sitting in my...
having it. I never like for people to know that I have it since I don't want them to feel sorry for me or to think I'm weak. I know it's a really stupid thing for me to do, especially since I've...