I am in the middle of my cycle of my second dose. My verdict so far? Not impressed. I haven't been on Remicade or Humira, but I was Imuran (only stopped that due to wicked headaches it gave me). I...
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-04-26/abbott-labs-sued-on-montana-woman-s-claim-humira-caused-nerve-damage.html A news article a person posted on their blog about Humira and the lawsuit pending...
Hi everyone! I started Cimzia last week and seemed to respond well to the medicine (well, no adverse reactions, the medicine itself hasn't made a dent in my symptoms yet). However, since taking it, I...
I have not heard about this, but I hope it's true! That stuff is sooo expensive (but such a great drug)!...
I think I wore out my heating pad. It doesn't get nearly as hot as it used to. I didn't even think that was possible! A sign I am a little dependent on mine? :eyes:...
Mine was a small bowel series, where you drink the barium and then they took a series of x-rays to see it progressing through. Oh, barium...ugh...make sure they mix it thoroughly, otherwise it's even...
Ugh...I feel for you. I HATE moonface. That is the WORST! Why, after all these years of research, have they not figured out how to make Prednisone less...yucky?...
Hi! Yes, mouth sores are very common for me. I get them frequently. I get them a lot in the back of my throat which makes eating (or even drinking water) very painful. The only thing that I have...
This may be frowned upon by the medical community, but I take two Benadryl at night to help me sleep. I don't take anything for pain for my Crohn's and rely on my heating pad, but the Benadryl (on...
I used to work full-time, but was hospitalized/sick so often that I finally stepped down to part-time. Although the pay cut stinks, it's nice to be able to be sick at home. It was just getting so...
I'm glad so many people can use this idea! I had a lot of nurses tell me it was smart. :) As far as where to get them, I bought mine at Target a few years ago, when legwarmers were "back in style"....
I was looking at another website of things to pack during hospital stays. Sadly, I've been in the hospital 5 times in the last year and a half, so I'm well-versed in those visits! But, for anyone...
Yep. Guilt ALL THE TIME. I have a four year old daughter who, sadly, understands when I am not feeling well to not bother me. My husband gets frustrated with me a lot. Sometimes, I will let him have...
Last week at my GI appointment, I asked my doctor for a referral to a dietitian. Between Crohn's and my clotting disorders, I have a lot of "no-no" foods and many that, while are helpful to one...
Yes, a doctor's advice is better than anything I can give. However, as a person who has been on anticoagulants for YEARS (Coumadin), I can tell you that aspirin isn't the most gentle drug on your...
Modda65, I hope you are feeling ok! Message me if you ever need to talk about clots. Sadly, I've had my fair share of them. What you described sounds like clots to me. And, FTR if you DO suspect...
Sorry for the delay in reply (BLIZZARD!) Well, I haven't started any medication for it. Because of my clotting disorders, and my daily Coumadin regimen, my hematologist doesn't want me on ANY abx...
My heating pad!!! Oh, how I love that thing! Comfy, non-binding clothes (read: hubby's sweatpants) and, yes...FOOD NETWORK! (Or, Man v. Food on Travel Channel)...all those foods I want to eat, but...
LesaJT - I hope your scope went well!! I have two blood clotting disorders and have had multiple episodes of clots (DVTs and PEs). I would talk to a hematologist if you have EVER had a clot and get...
Hi! My GI nurse called me Monday and told me that I tested positive for H. Pylori on my biopsies from my most recent scope. She didn't sound too concerned about it and said I would have to be on two...
Yes, that NP is wrong! I have been diagnosed with Crohn's from mouth to anus and my when I am flaring in my mouth, I get them on the back of my throat, too. (My most recent endoscopy showed Crohn's...
Hi! I'm Debra and I'm coming out of the woodwork. I have been a long-time lurker on this site and finally decided to post something! :) I was diagnosed with Crohn's in 2001 in college, a year after...