I am usually on the Crohn's site looking up things for my daughter :) My dd has Crohn's my late mother had fibromyalgia. I have had pain in my hands for two years now. Sometimes for months it goes...
Hi Marissa, It is a scary thing to do for the first time. My daughter started Remicade almost 2 years ago and we really researched and read everything we could to decide if that was a reasonable...
@olderthandirt (or OTD) better than ODB, lol.. My daughter really misses fresh cherry tomatoes from the garden. She used to eat a whole bowlful of them at once! Can you eat cooked tomatoes? I'm...
I know for dd, spinach just about kills her. We tried that in a dip after first few infusions and it really made her sick. I categorize that with broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts...I don't know if...
Hi there, My daughter has been on Remicade for over a year now. After first few infusions she could eat just about all her favorites. Blueberries, lentil soup, apples with skins. But it didn't last...
We go to a support group at Childrens Hospital in Detroit and they talk at length about financial support for meds. Some of the families don't have insurance at all! There are many programs here in...
Hi Curt, I think the advice above it good, to get checked out to see if there is another auto immune disease going on. My dd has always had the back pain, even before diagnosis. I think it threw the...
Thanks for the replies! Okay, so having pain and diarrhea doesn't mean a flare. What constitutes a flare? Is it internal, like inflammation that we can't see?? The gi nurse made me think that she...
Hello everyone. Love reading your posts, it helps a lot! Sometimes I feel funny adding on b/c it's my daughter with Crohn's, not me. Anyway, we've been doing the Remicade every 7 weeks for year and a...
dunny2-I'm laughing reading your post b/c my dd said yesterday "When is everyone going home?!" She doesn't like to have to use the restroom if we have company. When she is tired or having stomach...
Hi Rootsmith, I have never heard of Tramadol. I will have to look it up and maybe she can try that. We were under the impression that all NSADS were forbidden as well. Her rheumy said that for some...
My daughter has achy joints (wrists, knees, ankles) all the time. Before Remicade she had the swelling too, but now it's just the achy feeling. If she writes or types for more than a few minutes her...
Hello All, new here. Daughter has Crohn's, she is 14. Overwhelming to be making huge decisions for someone else, so I am constantly researching for her. She has been on Remicade for over a year now....