Kaz, thanks for the info. The pain actually started about 3 weeks ago, and nothing out of the ordinary as far as activity levels went. My PCP isn't really sure what to make of it, since it's...
Currently only on Pentasa, 4,000mg/day, and that has seemed to keep the Crohn's in check (thankfully). The pain has been staying in the same spots (left leg), but it seems like it's getting worse....
In the last few weeks, I've been getting severe pain in my left hip, knee, thigh and calf. It's sometimes localized to the knee, or the hip, and other times it's all over. I've already gotten an MRI...
As I said in my post earlier this morning, I'm getting married in 6 months. We're planning on starting a family about 2 years after the wedding (we definitely want time for just us before we start...
Morning, everyone. So, I was diagnosed with Crohn's a little over a year ago. Was put on Pentasa (4000mg/day) and that seemed to fix me right up. However, before the diagnosis, I had a couple...
I got diagnosed at 23 as well (almost a year ago). Same as Riddle, I had major symptoms for about 2 years prior, and a minor symptom going back into my early teens. Had a couple surgeries in the bum...
I don't have any other symptoms, though. And it's been constant (barring a day here or there) for a year now....
How common is it to have basically no appetite with Crohn's? I've found that since I've had it, my appetite has gone haywire, mostly for the worse. Yesterday I had 2.5 tacos (normal size, so, not a...
I know what you mean about not being bullet-proof anymore... I was hardly ever sick as a kid, and in the last few years I've been sick more often than not. Good luck on getting a diagnosis, though!...
My GP doc said that, if need be in the future, I could try methadone, but that's a scary thought. The only thing he could think of is that, yeah, the pain receptors in my brain aren't normal, so...
Opiates don't work on me, or only work once or twice before they stop working. Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, Demoral, Morphine, Dilaudid... They all either worked 1-2 times (If it worked the first time,...
Thanks for all the opinions/thoughts! I have a total newb question though: What does DD mean? And SCD? I see a lot of those thrown around, and I have no clue what most of them mean!...
Gratz! Good days can be hard to come by, so it's awesome when they do! :)...
Is anyone here a smoker? I've been a smoker for about 7 years now, and my doc mentioned that while it's actually good for UC, it's bad for Crohn's. I'm on Pentasa for the intestinal inflammation and...
It started out looking like a blood blister (perianal region) but doc said it wasn't. Shrunk while on Flagyl, but never went away completely. Now bleeds occasionally, and I recently noticed that when...
Morning, all. I was diagnosed with Crohn's less than a year ago (June of 2010), after a couple surgeries and a few horrible experiences with doctors/ERs. Not sure what else to say right now... My...