I am 8 weeks pregnant and on 6 viles of Remicade every 7 weeks. Since conception my hair has been falling out quite substancially and have been told this would be due to the Remicade Just wondering...
LOL Thanks Nanners!!...
Thanks so much everyone for all the information, it really helps when deciding if this is the right time for another child. Some ppl are saying that you can go back and read other posts on this...
Hi there I also take suppositories for my internal hemmes, ask your doctor abour Salofalk supps. I find they work really well!!...
20 mg just isnt enough prednisone to do anything. I think you should call him and insist on 40 mg for at least a couple weeks, then start to taper....
I am looking to start planning to have another child but am on 150 mg of imuran a day and thinking about weening off. My first gastro that has now retired was very adament that a person is NOT on...
I am sooo tired and am sure it has lot's to do with not eating a normal diet and the remicade and Imuran I am on. Anyone have suggestions on vitamins/herbs etc that may help with the tiredness?? Any...
LOL I am so glad I am not the only one with the dry heaves of the butt!!! I love it!!!!...
Yes, I have started the suppositories after my last colonoscopy but haven't been very diligent with them. I will have to start using them more often like everyday as I am supposed to LOL Thanks for...
I have recently seen a dietician because I never know what to eat and Quinoa is supposed to be very good for us. Haven't tried it yet because I am scared to eat anything but am giong to try for sure!!...
I have been on remicade since Jan (3 viles) and the first few months seemed to work pretty good, but now, 2 weeks after the infusion I am sick again. Bad abdominal cramping, gas, bloating, bloody...
I have had fisures for years around my anus and can't find anything to shrink or get rid of them. I started Remicade for my CD in Jan, and thought this might help them but its not. Can anyone...
Welcome to the forum!! I started off in your situation at 18 but am now 29 and have been on many many different meds. I am now on Remicade since Jan and has helped somewhat but still not 100%. Some...
I agree, I am so fatigued but this is because I am anemic and iron deficient which are major side effects of crohn's. It sucks so bad especially if you have children. I would recommend taking liquid...
I am a Crohn's patient, Diagnosed in 2001. I am on Reimicade and have now had 3 infusions. Just wondering if my fistulas are going to get better with the Remicade, and if anyone can give me some...
Thanks Gail, it is so nice to feel like you are not alone!!!...
Thanks guys for your input, my specialist also stated it is safe until the 3rd trimester, but wanted some mommies input. Thanks for all your help!!!...
OMG, I know exactly how you feel, I have had those times through my 11 years with Crohns. It is so hard to be intimate when you feel like crap!!! ALot of times they just don't really understand how...
Hi sweety, don't be upset, you are not the only one, there are lots of us moms out there dealing with this terrible disorder!! My crohns disease started out just as you are describing. One you get...
Hey there don't be scared., just let the doc know you are REALLY scared and they will make sure you don't feel a thing!! They will do the edoscopy when you are sedated so you will be fine. You might...
Hey everyone, I am new on the site and so excited about being on here and having ppl to talk to. I am on remicade and wanting to start planning for another child soon. Can anyone tell me if they know...