I don't know if this is the right place to post regarding this but I'll shoot for it. I have a drain and an open wound and they both need to be covered up to take a shower. I have been using aqua...
Update. Had a CT scan done today and had the docs look at my abcess in my abdomen and It looks like I still have 2 fistulas that drain from around my colon. They don't seem to understand why it won't...
I've posted before so if you want to hear the long story look at my previous posts. So for the short story, I've had chrones for 8 years now but in the past year its gone haywire and crazy. 5 months...
This is the son with the problems. Just at work and read what my mom and everyone had to say. First off I'm taking Cimzia for my chrones. Tried Remicade and had horrible reactions twice...
I'm new here and wanted to post something because I am in need of any advice! First off I'm 30 year old male and have both chrones and celiac and have really been struggling with it the last year...