Thanks for that.i have had 1 major flare,when diagnsd,and i was terribly ill,and ended open surgery to remove right side colon,and now,sme ten years later,no where near as bad,but narrowing...
Thankyou for every1s comments.i had read in some studies that c.d and inflamattion of bowel and stomach ,g.i tract was cause to some depression,due to lack of uptake of certain chemicals in the gut.i...
Has anybody ever read or heard of a link between crhons disease and depression?I am sure i have heard there is a link.apart frm it making you feel depressed! ...
Taking multi vit,but has slowd me right down b.m. Then again,the fact i have quit smking has prob smthng to do with it aswell.sadly on pred for 3 wks for a sinus issue.great.polyp up never...
Sorry havent read the other responses,but i have had real issues with pred.yes,it does the trick for a flare,bv for me-last time,iwas on 40mg for two wks,then reducing by 5mg a week,pretty much the...
Thanks Roni. Still only 3 weeks from quitting smoking, but getting nasty side effects and withdrawls. I guess just taking meds after not taking them for ten years reminds you that there is a nasty...
Took advice,takinga multi it ok to take cod liver capsules high strength aswell as multi vit? I rattle.and,HATE TAKING PILLS....
Thats good to knw!just a question,ive just started 40mg pred for a nasal issue.2 wks at 40 then taper by 5mg a day for 8,short course.i took 1st lot today,and tnite,hot sweats,flushd.could...
Thanks for that!my diet aint bad,just dnt eat much fruit or fresh veg due to low residue diet.aint it so annoying that you can go for ten years fine,then bang,it flares up.i do have b12 injections...
Guess that could be the case.Thing is,last colonoscopy showd narrowing in resection,new illieum,so guess nthng really bar surgery or balloon will change that.So frm what ymddu said,vitamins,or fresh...
And whats really annoying is ,since i had the right side of colon removd and terminal illeum,ive had no meds at all for ten years,and now,two smallis, flares and im on aza....
Thanks for replies!guess my only concerm was,if aza is to surpress your immune system,taking vitamins etc would be doing the opposite?am i wrng there?...
Takd aza after a meal in eve!will be fine...
Hey,i was put on aza at 150mg a night 18 mnths pharmacist was the same.put the scares up me!but,i have not had a single problem at all.ok,maybe bit tired on and off during day,but i take...
Well,two wks into the no smking,and hoping it does good for my g.i said it was v bad to smoke with crhns?yet it can help with colitis? I havent taken vitamins,but just want to get as much...
:idea: New to this.Im 37 crohnes sufferer.diagnsd 11yr ago after severe flare and right side hemicolectomy.was v.v ill.stayed flare free for nine years,then stressful two years ended up rushd into...