Hi sanjose guy, My name is alex and i'm also from san jose california. I had my fistulotomy surgery in Fec 2012. Fortunately, mine was not complex. I had two fistulas but they were both low enough to...
That is normal. I had drainage for like four weeks. Blood in stool is ok and will eventually subside....
i had a fistulotomy procedure done by a general surgeon. i went with him instead of a colorectal surgeon because i was desperate. after being diagnosed with fistula, i couldn't sleep and had extreme...
i had a fistulotomy for my two fistulas about 4.5 weeks ago. one was small and the other was a little bigger. the bigger one, the surgeon almost put in a cutting set ton but decided not too. he did...
i just had a fistulotomy done on tuesday. at first doc said there's a possibility that he might put in a cutting seton along with partial fistulotomy if it goes too much through the muscle. luckily...