I had the surgery this past tuesday and i have to say that it was alot less painful than i anticipated. I only took the pain meds for the first two days and now i have no pain at all. Tons of...
My fistula plug experience was horrible at first. Bowel movements were not fun. I actually had to psyche myself up to do it because i knew it would be painfull, but after about a week bowel movements...
My remicade experience was not so good. After my 4th infusion i broke out in a rash and had to stop taking it....
Update on my condition. It's been a month since my operation for the fistula plug. Still draining and having pain. As long as it drains i'm pain free but after a bm the drainage stops and pain comes...
Alot has changed in the last few days. Huge improvement and i'm feeling alot better now. I never want to go through that again and hopefully the pain was worth it....
I can't take this anymore and i need some advice. I have been diagnosed with crohn's and have a fistula. They took out my seton last Tuesday and put in a surgisys fistula plug. Been in horrible pain...
No it is not a cutting seton and had not recently had a bowel movement. It just all of a sudden started pouring blood. wierd....
Heres the condensed version. Diagnosed with CD and perianal abscess the same week which then turned into a fistula and i now have a loose seton. Started Remicade this week and today i was in the...
I recently had a seton put in for a fistula. My question is does anyone know of a good diet to eat while dealing with the seton. The reason i ask is when I have a bowel movement the drainage gets...
All my troubles started on a trip with work. I woke up the morning of my 6 hour flight home and was in terrible pain and had to sit on an airplane for most of the day. By the time I had arrived home...
You are correct in that the test was called Promethius. I had no other signs of CD except for the fistula and test results. 13 years ago i tested reactive to TB and last week my GI doc had me do...
Just curious if there is anyone out there like me. Started out with severe pain and long story short i ended up with a perianal abscess that was drained in the ER. GI did a colonoscopy and capsule...