To me "full remission" means normal digestive health with no or minimal drugs, and yes: some chron's people get there. Re 6MP, all my docs have been very hot on that (and/or imuran) + some of the new...
I was 16 when i got diagnosed, after being really, really sick for about 6 months at that time. I know its hard, especially at that age, to deal with the uncertainty of what treatments will work/not,...
Do you eat yogurt? I get my probitotics that way, and I feel like it makes a difference. (Homemade yogurt is easy and cheap and tastes good.)...
Just want to add my two cents as another new member, but with chron's for 26 years or so. In my experience, you'll know when you're in remission because your body will work right! I've gone the full...
I had a good experience with remicade, w/o the cold-catching side effects you describe. But in my case (and i understand this is not unusual), the remicade seemed to lose effectiveness after about 18...
Hi all- New member and first post, but long-time chron's disease (about 26 years now). I've also recently been diagnosed with colon-to-bladder fistula, after air and blood and bits of stool in my...