Thank you for responding! Stress definitely could be a part of it. Although, ironically, I started meditating and journaling two months ago. Before that I did experience a lot of stress. And age...
Hi! I have been diagnosed with Crohn's in April this year and have been on Pentasa since (4 pills 500mg twice a day) My cramps returned recently, but what really got me worried is that I noticed that...
Hello, Everybody! I just wanted to say "hi" and introduce myself. I am so grateful I found this forum! I am not alone in my struggle and - I am not definitely crazy like I was about to believe! I...
Hi Guys! I am so glad I found this forum! Everybody here is supportive and helpful and I hope everybody is doing well! My question is: now that I have been officially diagnosed with crohn's I was put...
Hi Cleanfreak! Thank you for recommendation. I do take vit D, but this is a great idea to add B and C on top of my multivitamin regimen. Thanks!!!...
Thank you for responding, Kazbern! The colonoscopy showed scattered ulceration in the iluem and also several areas of hemorrhage in the descending colon. My doctor said she needed to check the entire...
Oh, and I forgot to add the title to my post. I guess my brain is also giving up on me. : )...
Good Evening, I was also very recently diagnosed with Crohn's and it came as a huge surprize to me. I have spent the last ten months searching for answers why I was so in pain all the time. My joints...