I need to ask my doctor more questions but am interested in hearing others opinions. I was diagnosed with UC about 31 years ago. Back then I only had the options of salazopyrin and prednisolone as...
Hello Dane1 Cant you have the J-pouch and then choose the ileo if it doesnt work out. I was diagnosed with UC when I was 19. Was constantly sick apart from about 2-3 months most years. Finally after...
Hello, Am wondering if anyone has ever been diagnosed with an enlarged pancreatic duct before. Over the last 3-4 weeks have constantly had yellow coloured stools or diarhea (j-pouch surgery 15 years...
Hello Mumof2teens I was very interested in your dilemma as we are both in a similar situation. I have had UC for 29 years now and had a Jpouch about 15 years ago. Have always had a few small problems...