Thank you! That also explains why I react on some supplements as well, as they put Maltodextrin almost everything....
I did answer someone else, but my post were removed for some reason! But the answer is YES! I'm in the same boat as you. You shouldn't use laxatives, so if I were you, you should go for Movicol or...
Can Mango be eaten at a flearup? I know it's a type of fruit, but I did see another Topic where they stated it were safe to consume Mango and Papaya. Any ideas?...
I had one Doctor, I met him for 15 minutes, and he said: "You're going to the Hospital immediately!". Then he sent a request to the Hospital for an x-ray of the bowel etc. The Hospital sent the...
The Crohn's has had mild breakouts through the years. But before I could manage it with only small healthy meals, and the flearups would disappear within 1 month or so. But now I've been constantly...
Thanks for all replies, I appreciate it! :) Regarding Chicken broth, is it normal that it works like a Laxative? Or is this because of the Crohn's? I've tried Chicken broth before, and it's running...
Ensure and boost? I've tried 4 different Doctor's, all are refusing to get it checked. So I dont know what to do! And the Doctor's even know that 2 more in my family have Crohn's Disease, but they...
First of all: Because the Doctor's never bottered to care about my bowel pains, constipation etc. for over 15 years - I ended up with Histamine Intolerance as well. Whatsoever, I need some DIET...