Has anyone used this? My doc prescribed it because I cramp ALL the time. Any bad side effects? Does it help?...
Well I had one hemorrhoid banded on Thursday and have been ok until today. I had my first bowel movement since then with bleeding and now it feels like a flare is coming on. She wants me to go back...
Yes I do. I was just diagnosed recently....
Have any of you had banding done for internal hemorrhoids? I'm having it done and was wondering what to expect....
It's a nitroglycerin cream. I put in a call to my doc this morning and hope she has some suggestions....
It's really bad. Can the ulcers go away without medication? I also am doing a cream for anal fissures so I'm being set up twice for headaches....
I'm on my second day of meds and have the worst headache. I called my GI and she said it's normal. It's really bad and I have 4 boys to take care of....
Thanks to everyone for replying. Are there any tips or things you all want to share about living with Crohn's?...
I was wondering if any ladies have had issues with what feels like uterine cramping? I've suffered with this for years with no real answers except a few ovarian cysts. My doc has me on Enticort and...
Thanks Kazbern....
Hello everyone, this is my first time posting here. I had a colonoscopy a few weeks ago with a biopsy because of ulcers present. The biopsy can back positive for Crohn's but the blood test came back...