Hi I have a RV fistula just bn reading ur comments wounding if anyone could help me. I have just had surgery it has failed n feel if made the fistula worse an totally gutted bn stuck house 2 weeks on...
Hi av bn on and off remicade inflexmab my consultant call it for about 7 year now. This drug worked great for me I persevered with it for years gradually my symptom got better and better this drug...
Hi am new today to the form. I have bn reading all the comments about this bag they have help me a lot as I have to make a decision this week weather to get the bag or live with a bad RV fistula. I...
Hi av just joined today after finding ur story, to try talk to people going through the same thing I was diagnosed with UC in 2004 now they changed to crohns year later which I already new as my gran...