What medication do you take to help?...
Thanks for the info. It's annoying I had the op to try and control the diarreah but having the op causes it anyway! Maybe I'll just have to learn to put up with it....
Apparently they didn't remove much... They removed the terminal ileum- is this the same thing as ileocecal valve?...
Yes I did have biopsies and they told me it was crohns. After the op when they changed it I did query the biopsies end he said the biopsies showed inflammation and where it was is typical for crohns...
I had a bowel resection (right hemicolectomy) a year ago. For crohns. I then got told after the op it probably wasn't crohns but a submusocal lipoma which was removed. Since the op I have had little...
Lol ok thank you for your help! I will try that. It's good to know there are people out there going through the same thing and who understand!...
Sorry for sounding silly but is GI just my normal doctor? I am in UK if that makes a difference! Thanks...
I was diagnosed with Crohn's in December. The doctor prescribed Pentasa 2g twice a day which I have been taking since Christmas eve. I don't really feel any better! I still have nausea, loose stools...
Hi, can I just ask about the fruit and veg. Is it all fruit that should be cut out and only have cooked veg? I don't really want to cut both out completely because of getting vitamins but also want...
I am waiting for an appointment to see him next month, I guess he wanted to give a while for the meds to kick in...
Thanks for all your help! Mine is in the terminal ileum and apparently mild although it doesn't feel mild to me! Especially in the mornings. The doctor wanted to try me on pentasa first and If that...
Thanks, I do eat a lot of fruit! Do you avoid all fruit & veg or just certain ones? I have been getting a terrible lower back ache recently on some days, I assume this is just another symptom of the...
Thanks for your reply. I'm on 2g twice a day. Ok that's good to know that it might take a while, I thought maybe I was being a little impatient! Hmm a food journal could be an idea but wanted to wait...
I have recently been diagnosed with crohns, which was somewhat of a relief after 17 years of being told tests were inconclusive or it's probably just ibs! I have been prescribed pentasa to try and...