Hope this kind of question is allowed here. Just let me know. Started Remicade recently. Still on loading doses. Was on Humira previously until side effects were worse than my Crohn's disease. Had to...
Popcorn used to be my favorite snack. I bought a new high-end air popper just before my Crohn's started getting worse. Popcorn was responsible for one of my worst blockage events. My new air popper...
My latest flare started last summer and while I knew my inflammation was getting worse I did not know how bad because I did not have pain like before. My GI doctor said that pain was not a good...
Hi. Thanks for the replies! My GI doctor does not think the Humira caused it but since there are side-effects still being discovered you never know. What he pointed out to me was my "Iron store" was...
Trying to find information about Pulmonary Crohn's. Two years ago, I was diagnosed with regular Crohn's Disease in my small intestine but have either not responded to medicines or the side-effects...
Pleurisy is not an infection. It is inflammation of the pleura which separates the heart & lungs. Nothing directly with the respiratory system. If anyone has prescribed antibiotics for it, then its...
Going to start Remicade in the next few weeks. My medicine of last resort now. My last med, Humira just added on to my list of side-issues so had to stop it. Cannot explain how that worsened my life...
Thanks for the reply. As I said I only read the test results after my dr visit at home. I don 't go back for three months. Was hoping to get some opinions on here....
Had a visit to my GI doctor last week. He had sent me for blood tests & a Small Bowel Follow-through the previous week. Have been on Humira since November 13th. All other meds either did not work or...
Bandit. The Mayo Clinic already sent a letter to the local doc recommending Humira. That's part of the reason for my posts here. So far, nothing hence been looking at other doctors. I could go back...
Just called Charlotte Gastroenterology to find out about the Dr. John Hanson someone gave me. First would only be a 30 minute "Introduction visit" (would not prescribe during visit was told) and...
I'm looking right at the pathology report diagnosis: Ileum, terminal ileum, endoscopic biopsy: active chronic ileitis consistent with Crohn's disease. There is no granulomas. There is no dyspasia....
In the last two years, have been through seven GI doctors & two Internists, over $30,000 and am worse off now (in part because of the bad Doctors) than I have ever been. Tired of playing Doctor...
Remicade is not approved by my insurance. Thanks anyway. I'm just going to stop all the meds.. This is no quality of life....
mirowpl: Any way you could write me directly so I could ask some specific questions? You can reach me through the contact page of my website: WebJunk.com...
OK. Just puled out my blood tests. RBC and platelets were both normal....
You have been seen & treated by Dr. Hanson personally? Or only the other you mentioned? I live in Kannapolis, but the Charlotte area is driveable when I get better....
Don't know about the bone marrow stuff. Never explained to me. My WBC was actually a little high (12.3) not low, so sounds like that wasn't it. My inflammation is in my small bowel. Told near the...
That study does not apply to me. I did not have a hepatitic reaction. It was all the other side-effects. I was so dizzy could not even walk to my mailbox, fatigue where I spent about 22 hours/day in...
Already tried Entocort (Budesonide in my original post) and it did not help at all, just side-effects. Located in North Carolina, just north of Charlotte. Also was looking in Southwest (Cape...
The current doctor kind of avoided discussing Humira when I asked her about it on the phone last week. Not sure she would write the prescription. The Mayo said that is the next step and it should not...
Was diagnosed with Crohn's disease at the Rochester, MN. Mayo Clinic a couple of months ago but had to get a local GI doctor for long-term med treatment & monitoring. Had tried Budesonide, Prednisone...