Welcome to the forum MC. I'm in my early 30's got sick when I was 12 and was diagnosed as UC was always sick,migraines everything nothing the doctors did seemed to work and their plan seemed to give...
GSC: The deciding what to do is absolute worst In my case I really didn't get to choose I had toxic megacolon at 22 and it was remove the colon or die(so I took the 1st one) but my main problem was...
When I had my colon removed in 2004 they had to give me a illeostomy for a short period I was emptying about 4 to 6 times and it was always solid but I just couldn't get used to the idea of having a...
It's not the same but this reminds me of my 1st colonoscopy about 20 years ago I had to drink GoLytely and I couldn't get it down and it was a Sunday and I had to go to the ER and get a tube down my...
Sorry to hear about this...I've had PG twice once in 2006 after surgery for a burst J-Pouch but it was only a small spot about the size of a nickel near my new stoma and it went away after 2 to 3...
I had toxic megacolon about 11 years ago had an illestomy for about 8 or 9 months(wasn't a fan) then got a J-pouch,had nothing but problems with it for 13 months and the J-pouch burst after multiple...