Thanks for all the advice and food/book suggestions. Noulls, just so you (and others) know - she made the choice herself to do the SCD when we presented her options. She did not want to take...
No worries. I wish her doctor would speak to us more directly! I rechecked her scope photos and there is an area circled in the terminal ileum...I don't see much but I believe it was an ulcer or at...
Thanks for your replies. Beave, she has Crohn's of the small and large intestine. The colonoscopy showed ulcers in multiple locations. The Dr. described her disease as moderate. Yes, CRP was one of...
Hi, I am new to this site. My daughter (14) was diagnosed with Crohn's in May of this year. She is an unusual case in that she had no noticeable symptoms other than a lack of growth. Finally blood...