Well.........Setons.....words cannot describe the pain.....Is this the best solution to this problem really?...I can just say within 2 or 3 more years i truly think this should be a disability issue....
I have 2 setons. I have had them for a year. I truly believe that the surgeons put them in and make any excuse not to remove them because they just DO NOT know how to close these darn fistulas....
I had 2 infusions of Remicade.....It basically made me have a stroke...well not a stroke, but the symptoms....5 months of recovery and Re-hab. No more Remicade for me! I take Entyvio now, going on my...
I had a seton placed nov. 2014. I was put on Remicade. In Dec. 2014, I was taken to emergency room with stroke like symtoms. Remicade stopped after 2nd infusion taken in Jan.2015. 5 months to...