Thanks for the quick reply. I'll see what else I can find....
Hi - as previously said I'm almost sure I have Crohn's or some type of IBD. I should have gone for a colonoscopy in June, but I had a lot of stress in my life, things having just passed and events...
I'm not trying to play doctor. In exactly a week from now I'm seeing the consultant with the hope of getting a proper diagnosis - I want professional answers. All I've asked for on here is if anyone...
I just had to hit the garlic hard yesterday as I had a candida flare-up. Maybe it could have been that. However, I've read that candida can get out of hand more often in people with IBD. I just know...
Hi all. I originally posted this in the Ulcerative Colitis forum, but Crohn's may fit me better My first post here. I've not been diagnosed YET, but from what I've been reading this condition fits me...
Well doing some more Dr Google research it could even be Crohns. People have reported low blood sugar and diahrrea without blood for Crohns. Either way, something isn't right down there and it needs...
Well I'm all depressed now. Everything fits except the blood. Even now, just sat here minding my own business I've come over all hot and I'm burping a lot, just had a bit of urgency with a soft...
I've not noticed blood in the water, but yes I know what you mean about a CSI murder scene. I do have some "leakage" and bright yellow stool (well it looks like that on the loo roll when I check)....
Thanks for your reply, but I don't want to be searching for answers, I WANT and answer so I can be treated. I know I have problems with gluten, that's beyond question and UC seems to fit the bill...
Can I also add, as a child (about 11/12) I would have severe abdominal p[ain after eating my evening meal. I also get bad pain or cramps in my stomach sometimes if I need the toilet. So bad that I...
Hi all, My first post here. I've not been diagnosed YET, but from what I've been reading this condition fits me perfectly. I'm 54, and since I was 16yo I've had low blood sugar, panic and anxiety. 4...