I received my stool lab tests back. I have yersinia entercolitica? Another ct scan tomorrow...
I just called the referred GI doctor to set up an appointment and they can't take me until JULY!!! I made the appointment and called the hospital to make an appointment for another CT scan to see how...
I live in the Chicago land area with decent insurance thank God so I am hoping this will be not to difficult to begin with. I am terrified of needles, hospitals and any type of tests. A colonoscopy...
It's shocking and none of my friends or family members believe I have it because I'm "the super healthy one". I got a referral to a gi doctor today and will call tomorrow. The thing is the hospital...
I'm a 33 year old female and always been healthy. Never had bowel problems, stomach issues, vomiting, and none in my family. I lift weights, take road trips, active lifestyle, eat what I want, normal...