I was started on Entocort last week, and noticed today that I have started coming up in a rash, like little red pin pricks all over my knees and which is now spreading, should I worry....
Am new to all this, what's Ensure? Nausea seems to have got a lot worse over the past month or so, even looking at food makes it worse!!!!!...
Does anyone else have really bad days of feeling really nauseous, and not able to eat as getting that a lot recently, is this another part of Crohn's that I have to learn to deal with? ....
I have also had periods of C and thought it just me, also have D, but not as ofter as C. It's finally great to see that others have had this problem. (you know what I mean!!!)....
I have exactly the same problem, and just want to fall into bed as soon as I get home. I have had to take Iron for 1.5 years and was also put on folic acid when I was first diagnosed. I was then told...
Hi there, I'm new to this site. Was diagnosed with probable Crohn's in June of this year after 3 seperate visits and admissions to hospital. My GI has arranged for me to have a laparoscopy next week...