I do not have crohn's but my daughter may and she also complains of these types of pains. Magnesium will help with cramps it is a natural muscle relaxer. I would suggest advil but that could cause...
My daughter is 7 soon to be 8. I know today will be hard but I hope we get the answers we need tomorrow. If it is not crohn's I think they are going to call it ibs. This is really bad ibs. I don't...
I suspect my daughter has crohn's and she is having a colonoscopy tomorrow. We will be starting the prep of miralax in a few hours then the enema tonight. I am so afraid this is going to set whatever...
We are having a bad attack today. Her pain is coming and going. Half and hour a little pain the next half hour screaming pain that is not being controlled by lortab. Waiting to hear from the doc on...
I am desperate! My almost 8 year old has been sick since she was five. It started with a vague stomach ache that turned into excruciating bouts of pain. I thought it was appendicitis but they kept...