/community/emoticons/smile.gif Thank-you so much for replying to my question, I really appreciate it! I am so glad to hear several of you were able to use midwifes despite your conditions. I'm not...
Can someone with Crohn's Disease use a certified nurse midwife for their pregnancy and delivery? (Assuming of course that the Crohns is in "remission" i.e. not flaring)? I'm also referring to a...
Hi were any of you that have crohns able to use a midwife for your pregnancy and delivery? Just curious? /community/emoticons/smile.gif ...
Hi everyone, I was wondering if any of you have had any sucess or good resullts with wheat germ protein powder. After reviewing my diet, it is low in protein and calcium, otherwise all of the other...
Hi everyone, Am usually on the crohns and fibro forums. My main symptom lately has been nausea. Upper endoscopy checked out okay( have had gerd and gastritis in the past.) Do have crohns not...
Does anyone get palpitations with their heartburn? Nicole...
My heartburn always comes when my stomach is empty and I am hungry Does anyone else have this problem? Isn't this backwards? Nicole...
Hi, all of the proton pump inhibitors, like Prilosec say that you aren't suppposed to take them for more than a certain amount of time but I've been on them for years at a time(my doctor prescribes...
I have tried everything for my heartburn, or as I call it throatburn. The only thing that worked for several years is prevacid, which also costs me $130 a month! Now it isn't working. Anyone have ny...