JP21, I have been married to a wonderful man with CF for 5 years and it has been the best time of my life. Please realize that some of the medication that he might be on could cause him to be at the...
Mary Rose, Do you have the CF gene? If you don't then there isn't to much to worry about for the two of you but your grandchildren would have to be concerned if they/thier mate has the gene. I also...
k8e, !!!!!CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR HORSE!!!!!!! Cf can be a big pain in the horses booty - and this is the advise that I offer. Know more than your nurses even if you have to request an answer from...
CFMOM, I'm not sure what the exact question is - there are many aspects of a PFT. There should be a 20% differance between her FEV1 and her FVC. My husband is a 28 year old CF pt that just received a...
Foxy, Congratualtions!!! I'm not going to tell you that it's all going to be roses - because it's not. But I will tell you that you will be open to opportunities that are amazing:) My husband had a...