I have a port just above my left nipple, and in my opinion, as useful as it is, it is one decision that I regret. I am 18 yrs. old, and was already very self consious to begin with, now I have this...
You REALLY should consider getting a different doctor, and going to a different hospital. I don't know where you live, but I live about 30 mins. away from charlotte, nc, and I have NEVER had ANY...
I forgot about the lung transplant thing. You most likely don't have to worry about that. They start to consider a lung transplant when your Pulmonary Function tests consistantly score around or...
I don't mean to sound rude, but you are VERY lucky as far as CF goes. I was diagnosed shortly after I was born, and I am 18 yrs old now. I go in the hospital several times a year, usually 4-5, 6-7 if...
I have had CF my whole life (almost 19 yrs.), and have tried most of the different therapy devices and methods. I can tell you first hand that the vest holds a special place in my heart: there is...