I think that you should not worry about your sister! My cousin married her husband (Jamie) knowing that she did not have much time. In that 8 months she had never been more happier! She would go for...
I am sorry that this is hard to talk about. I am going into the schools in the state of South Carolina and I just want all the information that I can have. Not just from my own family but from...
Yes, See it takes a mother and father to both carry the cf gene. If your child is a carrier then she has the gene but not CF. If both parents have the gene the out of four kids one will have cf two...
Sandra, Thanks so much. I hope that eveything is going good for your son. I know that when Brandi was little she was a fireBall!! Brandi was always wanting to raise money. She was always thinking of...
Bill, Good luck in school. My name is Erica and my cousin had Cf she was 24. I would love to talk to you anytime. Just e-mail me. Erica [email protected]...
Jen, Hey this is Erica. I don't have CF but my cousin Brandi did. I am 22years old and a big advocate for CF. I would love to talkto you and everyone else just to get to know you. I want to bring...
My name is Erica, My cousin had cf and passed away in Jan.2006. I want to know as much about CF as I can. I am Mrs. Gilbert-America 2007 so that I can raise $100,000.00 in honor of her this year!!...
Hey Kyle, Well I don't have CF but my cousin passed away in Jan. 2006. I just want to be in the space of amazing people like you. She was such a bright person and was loved by all. I just want to...