Hi AWOL Hope all is well. When I had mt Transplant and woke up in recovery, I couldn't believe the feeling. To take a deep breath with out feeling the junk in my lungs. But it wasn't as good as when...
Hi Rachel. I'm Mark, welcome. I know how you feel, always being asked if you are alright or if I'm a smoker. But believe me it does get better. I was on all the same treatments before I got my...
I get SSI. but you can't get both. Social security will not kick in until you are at retirement age....
If I was you I would talk to my doctor. I get like that every once in a while. my problem was Cediff. and believe me that was no fun....
Hi Angie Mark here, I know what you mean about not knowing if your friend is still alive. I've lost allot of friends to CF. Oh by the way welcome to our little site. For me, I was real sick as a...
Thats different, I've never heard of low immune being good for us. you'd think she would be suseptable to more infection. Thats really interesting. As for the fatty stools most of have that. Thats...
Hi Foxy, Your not alone, I had mine last year :yeah: it's going great I'm so glad I had it done. It's made a big difference in my life. I would be glad help in any way I can My E-Mail is...
Lets hear why tou think you have CF...
They recently opened an Adult CF clinic. And have a great bunch of reaserchers...
Hello I live in Oregon, Oregon Helth Scieces University is a great center...
My name is Mark I'm a parent but I'm the one with Cf...