Please Please Please get help from you doc IF you decide to come off the Cymbalta. That is the reason I am here. Afriend found this forum while trying to understand what I was going through. It has...
Hey, hoping each and every day finds you a little better than the day before. Glad you could work out the party as I know how bad it would upset you to disappoint your daughter. Remember to eat. Take...
Would not even begin to try to diagnose which it is but I do know this forum will help and you sound like you have made the right choice to get a new doc. My thoughts are with you. We all are at...
Added my email...
Just a quick hello and to let you know my thoughts are with you! Here`s a smile for you as I know they are sometimes hard to muster up yourself. :-)...
Lost, Joining this forum and posting would be a great help. Everyone is so supportive and understanding.You have made the first step. Keep posting you will be surprised how much better it will make...
Hello Monica Sorry to hear you don`t feel well. I am in the process of weaning off Cymbalta. Was on it for 3 years. Yes it did affect my sex drive but it is hard to tell just how much because my...
Would be fine. I will add my email address to my profile and will try to help all I can....
JD and Raniah, Sorry to hear this. Is the weather pretty there? The sunshine usually helps me, but I can understand as Monday I was the same way as both of you. I am so looking forward to working in...
Hello Dawn great to hear you won the battle!...
Well this has been a good day. Got a lot done. Sun was shining so that always helps. So glad to hear from everyone and hope everyone is doing good today. Got a lot of legal issues settled today as to...
I understand your concerns as that kink of stay changes a lot of your rights in life from here on out. But maybe they do see something you can`t. I know that has to be hard to swallow as you must...
First of all God designed us to have mates and that could be some of your feelings of unhappy lonely and empty. However that does not mean to settle for just anybody as it could make you even more...
Am glad to hear the attempts at humor and also you felt hungry. That is good even if you haven`t gotten to eat. Maybe they will feed you soon. Yes I make myself eat even if it is just a piece of...
My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your wife. Whatever decision you have to make. Hope the abilify kicks in swiftly and with great results. Leaving a marriage with a person you love is hard...
Blue Chicken, I am so sorry one so young has already been through so much. Was the transplant successful? If so then that`s so fantastic.! Have you tried to explain to your mother that the reason you...
Snowflake my dear, I thought my story topped the pile but it is nothing to all you have been and are going through. Life seems so unfair. I love to read also and if you tell me the kinds you like...
It really would help to be compatible in this area as NO it is not all to a relationship but it is important. But a lot of this depends on so many details we can`t go into here it is hard to know if...
Teresa, That is part of why we are all here is to vent to ones who understand whether personally or a loved one. I admire your courage for I know the tough ones that do for me what do for her have a...
I am so glad to hear you do not want to die. I am so glad for you that you are accepting help. For yourself and loved ones. Words just simply not express how overjoyed I am to hear you want to live....
First it is not the food or amount that gives her the poos. It is the anxiety and depression. Nobody wants to feel like crap all the time. I am nowhere near as bad as your friend sounds but I spent...
I can only imagine how hard it has to be for you to handle that with all the attraction that has to be on a campus. Stay on track take matters in hand. You need to not try to gain approval. You need...
Definitely talk to your boyfriend about all this! We are all God`s children and he does not expect us to be perfect as none will ever be. Ours is a loving forgiving God. He loves you inspite of your...
I know I have the same issues with not eating. Have lost 34lbs. Nothing seems to make me hungry, Never feel hungry anymore just make myself eat so I don`t fall away to nothing. Maybe cutting back on...
Dan how are you today? Continue to know you have support and encouragement here. My thoughts are with you!...
Thanks so much for the encouraging words! The sad part is they are not that young just greedy. There dad warned me of this battle even though the will is cut and dried I will probably end up having...
Well another day in the battle. This is a day I work so should be pretty good. Of course my DEPRESSION tells me I don`t want to go but I know when I get there it will be better. I like what I do and...
Moonman, You have taken a step in the right direction already. Life is a precious gift. Don`t give up. Find a way to get help. Where ever However Keep posting, see a doc, what ever it takes. I have...
JournalDan As Kitt said baby steps. Have read some of your various posts on other threads. I see a strength and wisdom in your words of support to others. Have faith in yourself! You CAN do this....
After posting in your other thread I came back here and reread your posts again. First you know 2 weeks in bed would not help anything. You would lay there and eat away at yourself for all the things...
Do not feel ashamed of having the courage to admit your addiction. As Karen said an addiction is an addiction. Have you tried in depth to help your SO understand the scope of your needs right now?...
MY THOUGHTS Please keep us posted Am glad to see you seeking help. Just remember if you don`t get what you need keep looking. Never give up the fight against Depression. With support and proper...
Getting by am glad you are remarried and doing well. I think it is healthful to have a mate in your life if it the right one. THERE IS NOTHING BETTER THAN A GOOD MARRIAGE AND NOTHING WORSE THAN A BAD...
My recent loss was lung cancer also. I just truly don`t want to have to take pills especially mood altering ones all my life. I took Wellbutrin for a few months after first husband came off with no...
Karen, will not go back to the other one anymore so please all posts on this one. Thanks so much...
Don`t know anything available on line but I do know AA has meetings everywhere and at all different times of day to accomodate all work schedules. They also have NA and ALANON for family members....
Karen, Thanks. Any uplifting words are welcome. Finding this forum has helped already. I went back in after seeing no title but instead of inserting a title ended up making new one with the title...
Thanks for the info. My sis has her masters in social work, I have my pastor and church however some things they just can`t help with since they are all so protective of me and cannot be impartial. I...
Well another day in my struggle with depression and withdrawal from Cymbalta. Am down to 30mg every other day. Yesterday I had to deal with step-kids and they got really ugly. They could care less...
I always am tired of people say "you are strong you will be ok". Well can they not understand I am tired of having to be strong. They have never suffered the losses and stresses I have. Even though...
First thing you need to deal with is is acceptance of the fact you cannot change the past. Forgive yourself for past happenings you cannot change them just accept you made mistakes FORGIVE YOURSELF....
I can tell you from experience the meds will become an issue with insurance. My MD at the time he started me on Cymbalta told me he was not going to put depression on my records because of that but...
If the writing(posting) helps keep doing it. That`s how I wound up here someone from my circle of support said writing a journal might help. I decided reading and writing here might help me and...
I understand your plan and agree fully. Never let `em see you sweat. Kill her with kindness all the while watching for the opportunity to remove this stressor from your life. Lupus flourishes under...
Started my own thread under Cymbaltal withdrawal....
Jezzie51 New Member Email Address Not AvailablePersonal Homepage Not AvailableAIM Not AvailableICQ Not AvailableY! Not AvailableMSN Not Available Date Joined Mar 2009 Total Posts : 2 Posted Today...
I`m assuming this is the way to start a new thread. If not let me know. I also did great on the drug while I was taking it. Had no side effects. Lost a little weight. Thought this is great until the...
Hello everyone. Just started looking at forums because I am coming off Cymbalta with some horrible side effects. Started on it initially for stress related chest pains. Cardiologist did the whole...