Hi, I will be following up with them. I was paying out of pocket for my scripts but needed an adjustment and no one would see me. I did go to this website needymeds.com there are two cards you can...
Hi everyone, I just reread all of the posts. I just want to say sorry for everything I wrote before. I can't believe I wrote some of those things. And I wanted to thank everyone for their replies....
hi guys me again. I am not doing well. I had a very bad episode this weekend. I tried to ask for help at the day program only for them to tell me I'm being discharged without even asking me how I was...
I have a question maybe someone can answer. With bipolar II when it describes the hypomania is it basically the person experiences lows all the time and then very low lows. Never any highs or manic...
He owns the practice. So I have to see him to see her. She's a professor when she's not there. I haven't been able to talk to her yet this just happened Friday. I saw her right before him. I am...
Hi again. I saw my PDr & he blew me off. He said I could see the APRN at the program that changed my meds. I tried to explain thats not how it works and he's in charge now even though I'm still in...
Thank you for your replies. I do have a psych dr. that I see on a regular basis (every 6-12 weeks). He has never really told me what he thought my diagnosis was. I already saw the ob-gyn she ran some...
I just entered a day program and the nurse there diagnosed me with bipolar II after a 2 hr interview. My therapist disagrees with the diagnosis. I am also having problems with my menstral cycle. I...
well I went to the hospital. It was awful. I was at the ER for 24 hrs before they transferred me. The hospital they sent me too seemed wrong for me. There was a guy who kept taking off his clothes...
Thanks for your post it was very informative. Most of my rage does come around the time I get my period so maybe it's something hormonaly wrong. I have decided to go even though my best friend and my...
can anyone tell me what its like in the hosptal? how long do most people stay? how is the treatment any different than what my therapist is doing now? I don't like being around strangers will I have...
thanks for the answer on the last question I asked. Glad to know someone is out there....
im sorry about the rules thing i didnt know./ i dont see my therapist until friday is that too long to wait. im very scared of hospitals/. aLSO AS A SIDE NOTE THIS IS ONLY THE SECOND TIME I'V DRANK...
y wont anyone talk to m? my "ffreinds" laugu\gh it off. I cant even stand u dtraight. i just wasnt a friend and no ones ther her or here im all alone as usually.I'm suppose to have a proceduer done...
thats ok cuz i took some {medication} to see if th pain and angr will go away. oh yeah and kahlui wam and staight out the bottl. it doesnt seem to be helping i still want to smash someones head in...
Thank you all for your thoughts. I am on medications. I have been for years. But I think life has been extra stressful lately, so they don't seem to be doing anything at all. My family consists of my...
My therapist mentioned putting me into the hospital to be further evaluated. My first reaction was embarassment at how weak I must be. My second is that I can't share a room with a stranger. I...
Thank you for your responses. I have told her I'm shy. She says she doesnt believe that. I have mentioned I'm anxious. It still feels like the conversation is going nowhere and she's waiting for me...
Hi, I'm new here. I've suffered from depression my whole life. When I first startig seeing my current therapist I thought great she gets my name right and she doesnt fall asleep. But now she says...