its surprising how just one thing can set you back so far... today i was listening to music on my way to work and a specific line caught me off gaurd and knocked me way back into isolation again....
yeah ive made an appointment on the 9th june. im worried but also relived to get it finally sorted. i dont really know where to start with them because i ve never actually been to the doctor about...
i no how hard it can be with long distance relationships... i was head over heels for my girlfriend but i had to move away for my dads job. we spoke on msn and phoned every now and again. after a...
today i decided upon having a lie-in,considering i dont have college today and dont have much to do anyway. i feel a bit more refreshed today so it must have done the trick... first night in over a...
thanks, im 17 and ive been to counselling at school a couple years back but it didnt really help. it did for a while but it stopped working after a while... i am trying to bring myself the courage to...
i dont no what to do... i have hardly any sleep at night because all i think about is my own death. how it would be like to not be here and irritate people by being the quiet one or the one that...