[color=purple>Lately] me at all.. he only focuses on sex pretty much. And its not like thats not okay? But what if i want more... and my friend Tony shared that he likes me yet he's in love with...
[color=purple>Hello] As i said...things were going good. Got over my ex, found someone else. But as soon as i was happy again, guess what happened? Mother. As last time, she has ruined my...
[color=purple>Well] Besides that. My father says he is going to stop drinking, but he doesnt. My mother blames it on me like always. Dad is getting a new house for him self, but blew the 1,000$ on...
[color=purple>Heres] how i feel.. i know its dumb. Just thought id do this. [i][color=#800080> [i][color=#800080>"Memory] Memory lane here i come again, [i][color=#800080>Awaiting] All is lost for...
my parents seperation. Well, my mother shared that my dad cheated on her a few days after my birthday. And that she didnt tell us cause she didnt want us mad at him. My dad has also been "fooling"...
I did the first few months, i was ABSOLUTELY in love with him. But around the 4th month... i dont know.. Another boy made me think different? Like, i needed the other boy more cause he didnt want...