I didn't make any calls today. But I have made a way to get to one of my doctors who can prescribe a safe medicine for my depression. I'll have to wait til Monday because I don't have the funds to go...
right now I'm just sitting here still crying. I've failed to communicate that its my fault for not fixing again. I've thought to try to call my counselor but I've been beaten down in words of how...
Why didn't my dad hit my mom in the stomach while I was in there instead of the mouth? At least then I wouldn't be this mistake of a person I am feel like I am. Today it would have been nice to get a...
Calling a place won't get me there unfortunately.. my appointments are next week and I haven't the slightest clue if I'm going to make it to them. It's 15 miles south in the next town. I'm just...
two weeks ago my family and I were in a car accident. It wasn't a bad accident and no one was seriously hurt just bruised. The car came at us while we were in the middle of crossing the road. We...
I'd say good news but nothing is set in stone. So I'll say better. After the cancelling of my first real counseling appointment a few long drawn out talks happened. I'd call them arguments but no...
I wish I could ask him to do that but seeing as he told me he was not responsible for getting me where I need to go, I have no one. He said because I was a grown woman I should do it myself. It kind...
So before I had my counseling appointments set up and I got to see them just once before everything began to fall apart piece by piece. First I got sick with a fever of 104.5F went to the hospital...
I don't want to die although sometimes I feel as if I'm standing on the edge waiting to just jump off and I did experience post partum depression but pregnancy or not I'm depressed but if I can't...
I really gotta say from all the wallowing I did last night from today waking up to read this and listen to the father of my child has helped me not to make the entire day crumbled. Although its a...
I've fighting with myself for a long time. It just seems I don't have it in me to do anymore. I've been trying to change my issues and problems. Dealing with OCD and depression I figured if I could...