Thanks all :)...
Well it turns out that he didn't want me to wait (he had mentioned that he might need some time to decide if we are meant to be a real couple). I'm pretty bummed because he's got a lot of things...
That's a really hard place to be. When I was really depressed, I developed a crush on my boss that I knew wouldn't have been there if I wasn't feeling so strangely. I've heard of other people...
Hello Karen, Thank you for the encouragement! I think it would be better to lift the pressure and have some "me time" than to try to push him to give me what I "need" right now. I don't think he's...
I forgot to mention... Part of what made me think he wanted time alone but didn't want to ask for it was that he cancelled our 4th of July plans and said he probably wouldn't feel up to anything with...
Hello all, I am new to this forum but it seems like a great resource. I've been trying to talk to friends and family about this matter, but I feel I could use some help from a slightly more...